List of the most common premium employee perks at work, including flexible work schedules, vacation time, outings and other employee events
Premium Employee Perks At Work
The premium perks are only available to a limited number of corporations that can afford it. These perks at work can substantially improve work-life balance and increase flexibility, but can cost the corporation dearly. Aside from traditional health benefits and a retirement savings plan, premium perks can improve employees and their family’s quality of life. Some of the premium perks at work include flexible work schedules, more vacation time and employee outings and bonding events.
Flexible Work Schedule
Flexibility and work-life balance are of the utmost importance to many corporate employees. Flexible work policies such as working from home allows employees to set their own schedules and take time for "life" moments such as doctor's appointments. Working from home is often the most desirable perk at work as it results in happier, more satisfied employees.
More Vacation Time
Many employees would consider a lower-paying job that offers longer or unlimited vacation time. Longer vacation time sends off a message about the company's culture where employees are treated as trusted individuals who can manage their workload regardless of how much time they take off. Other countries such as France and the UK offer extended paid time off. Every year the French take the month of August off for vacation. In the UK, employees enjoy twenty eight days of PTO.
Employee Outings And Bonding Events
Aside from building trust, and strengthening communication, employee outings and bonding events are often very desired by employees. Companies that hold corporate outings such as dinner, plays, and sporting events typically build employee morale and establish a better work environment. Employees also enjoy getting together for a fun-filled events.
Super Premium Employee Perks At Work
Super premium employee perks are perks at work that exceed employee expectations. Companies that offer these types of perks at work are looking to improve employee morale and satisfaction at all costs. These lavish perks include free food, game rooms,onsite gyms, and sometimes even onsite bars.
Free Food
A great way to make employees feel at home is by providing kitchens filled with free snacks, coffee, and drinks. This perk at work allows employees to save money and grab a quick snack without having to go off-site.
Game Rooms
Nothing beats an afternoon slump like a quick game of ping-pong or a pool match. Game rooms allow employees to have fun and take their minds off a stressful work environment. It also sends them the message that the employer wants them to have fun and enjoy working for the company.
Onsite Gyms
Companies with large offices will typically use up a room for an on-site gym. These gyms are a great way to keep employees committed, creative, and motivated. A good cardio session will always boost up creativity. Onsite gyms also improve team bonding as employees engage with each other in physical activities such as lifting weights or competitive basketball games.
Onsite Bars
Although they are rare, some companies offer onsite bars where employees can grab a quick drink to get them through a long stressful day. These bars offer a variety of drinks and cocktails at little to no cost to the employee.