Employee Tickets At Work

Employee Tickets At Work

Various types of tickets employees can receive while working in an office building

Most Employees spend a great deal of their day at the office, leaving them with little to no time browse the web looking for tickets to an event at home. Finding tickets at work has become a preferred habit for countless of corporate employees. Sporting events and Broadway shows tend to be the most popular tickets sold at work. Other entertainment tickets at work include movie tickets, theme park tickets, and concert tickets.

Entertainment Tickets At Work

Broadway Show and Sporting Events Tickets At Work

Broadway shows and sporting events tend to be popular among corporate employees. These events can be easily used for a client meeting or as an office outing. Online ticket brokers have made finding Broadway tickets and sporting events as easy as ever with coherent website interfaces and timely checkout procedures. Many companies offer discount programs that provide corporate employees with discounted tickets for personal and work-related entertainment events.

Other Entertainment Tickets At Work

Other popular entertainment tickets at work include movie tickets, theme park tickets, concert tickets, and even spa and beauty treatments. Companies that incorporate employee discount programs into their benefits package, allow their employees to enjoy deep discount tickets on such events. Discounted Tickets at work generates business for third party vendors and increases overall employee work satisfaction.

Parking Tickets At Work

Parking tickets are certainly unpleasant, but they are common for many employees who commute to work. Whether it is street cleaning, or an unpaid meter, parking tickets can be a rather pricey burden. Employees can accrue parking during a client meeting, or various other work-related duties. Should employers reimburse these tickets? After all, many employers are obligated to reimburse other expenses such as mileage.

Should Employers Be Required To Offer Parking?

Employees that work in an area where parking is limited often complain about street parking and the accrued parking tickets at work. More employers are being forced to offer commuter benefits such as parking. Under New York City law, employers with over 20 employees will have to offer commuter tax-breaks for transportation costs. As far as parking goes, there are no written laws stating that employers must provide parking. Parking is seen as a fringe benefit much like health insurance, it is not required by law but can be used as an employee perk for recruiting purposes. Since companies aren't obligated to provide parking accommodations, the odds of getting a parking ticket at work in crowded city area are extremely high.

Are Employers Responsible For Parking Tickets At Work?

Most states demand that employers reimburse all "necessary expenditures or losses" incurred by the employee during work hours. When it comes to parking and speeding tickets the law can be lost in translation. Employers are required to reimburse expenses caused by an employee if the ticket is issued on a company-owned vehicle. A company owned-vehicle is considered a company expense, which is why employees must cover all costs associated with it. Many employers highlight policies in their employee handbooks that list the consequences of excessive parking tickets, traffic tickets, and school zone tickets.

Speeding Tickets At Work

Every company has a different policy on how to handle speeding tickets at work. Most employers have no problem reimbursing tickets obtained in a company owned vehicle such as parking, or maintenance violations. If an employee receives a speeding ticket driving to a client meeting in their personal vehicle, the employer is unlikely to cover the fine. Employee handbooks should lay out all possible violation scenarios and explain how the company handles the situation accordingly.

Are Employers Responsible For Speeding Tickets Obtained During Work Hours?

If an employee gets a speeding ticket or violation during standard work hours using a personal vehicle, the company is not responsible for reimbursing the ticket. Most companies believe a speeding ticket was the drivers fault so they are responsible for paying the fine. There is no written law or requirement stating that the employer should pay a speeding violation and very few do so. It is important to obey speeding laws and understand the consequences following a speeding violation.

Support And Trouble Tickets At Work

Businesses with large groups of people, whether it be employees or customers often encounter obstacles and difficulties. Most large companies have support and ticket systems in place that allow employees to report various difficulties and seek assistance. Ticket systems at work are specifically designed to organize issues as they are reported and track the solutions with a issue tracking system.

How Do Support And Trouble Tickets Work?

Most companies have employees turn in their work on web forms connected to the company database. When employees face problems they can open a help desk box that allows them to reach the tech team asking for support. The trouble ticket is then handled by someone in tech who has the ability to resolve the problem. Ticket management systems are a more efficient in resolving an issue than emails, as they can be archived in the system. Most systems archive similar resolved tickets, allowing tech guys to use them as reference for future problems.